Well, here we are, folks. The big day of love is almost upon us.
Usually, if you’re thriving on Valentine’s Day, single as a pringle, you might partake in some of the following:
- Going out with friends
- Taking yourself out for a fancy dinner at your favorite restaurant
- Seeing a movie
- Going on a shopping spree
You know the drill.

While those options may or may not not be too feasible at the moment (thanks Miss. Rona), that doesn’t mean we’re going to be skipping out on self love this Valentine’s Day.
Oh, no, quite the opposite, friends.
Let’s check it out:
Check Out These 7 Ways to Celebrate Yourself this Valentine's Day:
1. Send Yourself Flowers

Ooh yes, this is right up our street.
But really, you know what they say about people who buy themselves flowers, right?
We hope you do, because we just really love flowers…
There’s no need to wait on someone else – treat yourself!
Let’s break it down:
- You’re awesome
- You’re strong
- They’ll brighten up your home
- Because “someday” is actually “today.”
There’s no time like the present!
2. Three Words: Movies, Wine, Food

We’re talking about the ultimate night in.
Go all out with your favorite bottle of wine (or drink of choice because whether we like it or not, we know not everyone’s a wine fan *cries*), your favorite food – yes, ice cream for dinner is acceptable, it’s your day—and a good movie.
Oh what a time is this for Dirty Dancing—are we right, or are we RIGHT?
3. Try Out a New Recipe

Put some time aside, and try your hand at a new meal! Breakfast, lunch, dinner – it doesn’t matter!
Here’s a few of our favorites:
Beef Ragu We love a nice comfort meal.
Strawberry Chocolate Mousse Cake: Prepare yourself for the most decadent cake of your life.
Blushing Rose Cocktail: We could never forget about a nice alcoholic bev.
4. Relaxing Spa Night

Name a better duo: a bath & a glass of bubbly.
Fill up your bathtub, throw in some bubbles and bath salts, light a few candles, set up your lovely arrangement of fresh flowers (we love a nice aesthetic), and pop on your current Netflix series.
Let maximum relaxation commence!
5. Buy Yourself Something Nice

Nothing wrong with a little retail therapy to get your blood pumping!
Buy that sweater you’ve been eyeing for weeks or the fancy planner that you know you don’t need but simply have to have.
Buy a new houseplant to brighten up your space and purify the air!
Check out these 2 Houseplant Guides for some plant-inspo:
6. At Home Bake Fest

We love a good bake (any Great British Bake Off fans?).
- Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies: We scoured the internet for the very best
- XXL Death By Chocolate Cookie: Yes, we said cookie, as in singular.
- Easy Tiramisu Mousse: Fancy decadence without all the effort
Have a bake fest for one, or call up some friends for a Zoom Bake Fest!
7. Oh, Hey Cupid!

Spending Valentine’s Day alone doesn’t mean you can’t spread a little bit of love!
- Consider donating to a charity that means a lot to you.
- Give your family or grandparents a call.
- Send a fellow single friend a bouquet of flowers to brighten their day and lift your own spirits!